Sonia Marquardt Counsultancy

Increasing Wellbeing delivers bespoke training and advice to our clients to assist them in providing education around mental health wellbeing in the workplace.

The founder of Increasing Wellbeing, Dr Sonia Marquardt, has over 13 years of safeguarding experience with children, adolescents and adults. She has liaised with domestic violence services and charities and has experience in working with multi- agencies, such as MARAC (Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference). Dr Sonia Marquardt has worked with drug and alcohol addiction services, within inpatient psychiatric wards, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), older adult services and psychotherapy services within the NHS as well as a homeless charity and a sexual health centre for young people.

Dr Sonia Marquardt has extensive experience in assessing risk in fast-changing and dynamic environments. She is a clear communicator and is able to effectively de-escalate in highly emotive environments.

If you would like Increasing Wellbeing to provide consultancy for your business please contact us.

“Increasing Wellbeing provides our company with expert knowledge in terms of safeguarding”

— James Hoffelner, Company Director of Complete Licensing, UK